Find answers to your questions about Weekend Hockey Tournaments.

Adult Tournaments
How do I register for an adult hockey tournament?
Registration for tournaments is done fully online. Go to the upcoming tournaments page and click GET STARTED on the specific tournament you’re interested in. When you’re in your chosen tournament, click the REGISTER NOW button. Once the deposit is sent, your team will be registered and a skills roster sheet will be sent to be filled out, which will determine the division and age group best suited for your team.
How many games are guaranteed?
There is a three-game guarantee, and if your team qualifies for the championships, there will be a fourth game.
What time will the games start on Friday?
Most of our adult women’s and men’s hockey tournaments start around 5pm on Friday. For larger tournaments, however, games can start as early as 9am.
What is the cost of the tournaments?
The cost of the tournament depends on location. Team fees are posted for each tournament. Hotel fees are extra for teams that need accommodations. Teams that book hotels through us do get preferred rates through Event Connect.
Who can participate?
Anyone can participate, from those who are new to hockey to professional-level players. The age groups for our adult hockey tournaments are from 19+ to 55+. The divisions vary depending on the teams’ age and skill level.
What divisions are in each tournament and how are the divisions determined?
The divisions will vary based on skill level but are: 19+, 25+, 30+, 35+, 40+, 45+, 50+, 55+, and the skills levels range from A – E (recreation). Determination of the divisions will be done by Weekend Hockey Tournaments’ staff. Once a skill roster sheet has been filled out, you will be matched up with three to five teams of similar skill and age. We also take geographical location into account, ensuring you’ll be exposed to new opponents.
Where can I find the schedule for the tournament?
The schedule will be emailed to the team representative 10-15 days before the tournament. Once the tournament has started, the schedule, as well as the scores of all games, will be available online.
Where can I redeem beer voucher tickets?
Beer vouchers can be redeemed at Weekend Hockey Tournaments official restaurants or the official beer garden.
What is the refund policy?
If a team cancels, there will be a 100% refund 60 days or more prior to the tournament, a 50% refund 59 to 30 days prior to the tournament, and a 0% refund 30 days or less prior to the tournament. There is a $100 non-refundable administration fee on any cancellation.
Will there be a photographer at the tournament?
Yes, we supply professional photographers at the majority of our adult hockey tournaments. Photographers take team pictures, action shots, and championship photos of every team. The photos are available online at after the tournament.

Youth Tournaments
How do I register for a youth hockey tournament?
Registration for our youth hockey tournaments is done fully online.
- Visit the upcoming youth tournaments page, choose US or Canada, and click the tournament of your choice.
- Once you have decided on the tournament, click the BOOK NOW button, which will redirect you to all the information you need, including team fees, hotels, tournament packages, etc.
- Teams are confirmed in the tournament once payment has been made.
- If you have questions or concerns, please contact
Do I have to book a hotel through Weekend Hockey?
Yes, if you are an out-of-town team and require a hotel, all rooms must be booked through our partner Event Connect in order to participate in the tournament. This ensures we’re able to maintain special group rates to keep the cost affordable. All hotels are close to the arenas where games are played, and we have options to suit every team’s needs.
If you have questions about hotel booking or need assistance, please contact or or call 1-888-723-2064.
What time do games start on Friday morning?
Teams should be ready to start their games as early as 8am on Friday. Generally, local teams within one hour of the arena and teams that stay over on Thursday night will start the earliest. In addition, the younger teams start earlier than the older teams. Teams from distances that range from three to seven hours away can make a special request for later start times, which we’ll try our best to fulfill.
What if a tournament is sold out?
You will be put on a waitlist and notified immediately if a spot opens. Be sure to check out our other upcoming tournaments too!
What are the time lengths of the games?
The length of the games depends on age group and will be posted within the rules and tournament information section of the tournament.
How many games are guaranteed?
The number of guaranteed games varies by tournament. Generally, House League/Local League/Select tournaments guarantee three games, while Rep MD/AE/A/AA/AAA tournaments guarantee four games.
When will the schedule be posted?
The schedule will be posted at least 15 days before the tournament. An email will be sent to each team rep when it is released, along with the tournament program and set of rules. The schedule will also be available online. Be sure to check the schedule regularly in case of any necessary last-minute changes.
What arenas will the tournaments be hosted at?
Weekend Hockey Tournaments uses multiple facilities that may have one to four ice sheets. The arena facilities we use are generally 10 to 30 minutes away from official hotels. If you are staying at a hotel, we try to accommodate most of your games close to that participating hotel.
When the schedule is released, addresses and rink names will be posted online.
What are the tournament rules?
Tournament rules will be available with the schedule online and will also be posted at some of the arenas. Depending on where the tournament takes place, all governing rules will apply to the respective location. Example: OMHA, GTHL, USA HOCKEY, etc.
Do I need rosters and travel permits?
Official rosters will need to be submitted PRIOR to the tournament. Without official rosters, your team will not be allowed to step on the ice. Travel permits or permission letters from your association also need to be submitted PRIOR to the tournament or your team risks not being allowed to play.
USA Hockey Tournaments don’t require travel permits unless the team attending is from Canada or out of the country.
What age groups participate?
Depending on each tournament, we accept U7, U8, U9, U10, U11, U12, U13, U14, U15, U16, U18, U21.
For USA Hockey tournaments, we accept 10U, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U.
What skill levels participate?
Depending on each tournament, we accept the following levels of teams: AAA, AA, A, AE, MD, B, Select.
We also accept House League, Local League teams: HL, LL, House A, House B, House C, Red, White, Blue, Green.