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Explore our tournament policies. If you have questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Youth Hockey Tournaments

Cancellation/Refund Policies

Adult Cancellation/Refund Policies:
There is a $100 non-refundable administration fee on any cancellation.

  • 60 days or more prior to tournament: 100% refund Less Admin Fees
  • 30 to 59 days prior to tournament: 50% refund
  • Less than 30 days prior to tournament: 0% refund
  • ** Less 3% Administrative fee **

Ontario Youth Cancellation/Refund Policies:

  • 60 days or more prior to tournament: 100% Tournament Fee refund less $50 admin fee**
  • 30 to 59 days prior to tournament: 50% Tournament Fee refund**
  • Less than 30 days prior to tournament: 0% refund
  • 3% Convenience fee is non refundable at all times

USA Youth Cancellation/Refund Policies:

  • 45 days or more prior to tournament: 100% Tournament Fee refund less $100 admin fee**
  • Less than 45 days prior to tournament: 0% refund
  • 3% Convenience fee is non refundable at all times

Payment Policies:

Youth Tournaments:
Teams are confirmed in a tournament once payment (deposit or full) is made.

Payment in full is due no less than 45 days prior to the event.

Adult Tournaments:
A $500 team deposit guarantees acceptance in the tournament providing availability. All fees are due 30 days prior to the tournament.

Cheques returned by the bank for any reason are subject to a $50 administration fee.

Hotel Policies:

If you are an out-of-town team and require a hotel, all rooms must be booked through our partner Event Connect in order to participate in the tournament. This ensures we’re able to maintain special group rates to keep the cost affordable. All hotels are close to the arenas where games are played, and we have options to suit every team’s needs.

Please refer to Event Connect for cancellations and other inquiries. They can be reached at,, or 1-888-723-2064.

Adult Local Team Fee Policy:

To be eligible for a local team rate, your team must be less than 75km from the tournament destination.